What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that websites place on your device as you are browsing. They are processed and stored by your web browser. In and of themselves cookies serve crucial functions for the website, pages to let them operate as intended. You can manage them safely within the settings of your current web browser or device and delete anytime you want.
Cookies if allowed during browsing the website get the current status of:
Type of cookies:
We can recognize a few types of cookie files which have different purposes. You can find all of them which operate on the website right here:
Required – to allow web browser read the website a certain way and help function all the elements as intended.
Performance – helps define how you interact with the website in a very simple way.
Embedded content – Embedded players, videos, photos, and social media widgets linked with my accounts which help deliver presented content on the site. They can collect data by themselfs within their legal power and terms of use, in a way you agreed on them.
What does it mean for you and who has access to your data?
The information is not stored by any third-party applications other than Google Search Console, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and Google Analitycs which help show videos, widgets or provided by them source code on the website. The website itself (www.MaciejKlimczak.com) collect only non personally identifying data for statistical and analysis purposes of the current state of content and search engine outcomes with Google Search Console and Google Analitycs to provide the best possible expirience.
If you have more questions about privacy and cookie policy or certain part of the document, you can send an e-mail to: MAIL@MACIEJKLIMCZAK.COM
Orders and contact trough certain communication services and e-mail:
When you contact with e-mail, you most likely will add some of your personal data which can contain your contact informations to set, create, and complete the order trough all of the stages. They will, can be stored during this process, and no longer then needed to provide the best possible outcome in the protected environment of My e-mail, website, and online services of the hosting provider (Nazwa.pl). Currently you can set the order via e-mail or contact Me trough social media channels listed on the tab below.
Payments and payments processing:
Payment process during and directly connected to the orders is regulated by both sides (Maciej „PINGWIN” Klimczak, and for example: customer, company etc.) with previously written down set of rules on the final signed by both of them contract. The form of the payment is regulated and process by these rules, and in a way on which they agreed following the final document, annex (read as: contract) signed by both of them.
How your data is protected:
Me (Maciej „PINGWIN” Klimczak), and the hosting provider (www.Nazwa.pl) of the servers, certain online services within the website, email, communication forms, links etc. make sure to establish the best possible solutions and protection tools to cover safely all of the processed data and take care of it guaranteed privacy, by software, hardware, and the regulated established protection legal power, law.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that websites place on your device as you are browsing. They are processed and stored by your web browser. In and of themselves cookies serve crucial functions for the website, pages to let them operate as intended. You can manage them safely within the settings of your current web browser or device and delete anytime you want.
Cookies if allowed during browsing the website get the current status of:
Type of cookies:
We can recognize a few types of cookie files which have different purposes. You can find all of them which operate on the website right here:
Required – to allow web browser read the website a certain way and help function all the elements as intended.
Performance – helps define how you interact with the website in a very simple way.
Embedded content – Embedded players, videos, photos, and social media widgets linked with my accounts which help deliver presented content on the site. They can collect data by themselfs within their legal power and terms of use, in a way you agreed on them.
What does it mean for you and who has access to your data?
The information is not stored by any third-party applications other than Google Search Console, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and Google Analitycs which help show videos, widgets or provided by them source code on the website. The website itself (www.MaciejKlimczak.com) collect only non personally identifying data for statistical and analysis purposes of the current state of content and search engine outcomes with Google Search Console and Google Analitycs to provide the best possible expirience.
If you have more questions about privacy and cookie policy or certain part of the document, you can send an e-mail to: MAIL@MACIEJKLIMCZAK.COM
Orders and contact trough certain communication services and e-mail:
When you contact with e-mail, you most likely will add some of your personal data which can contain your contact informations to set, create, and complete the order trough all of the stages. They will, can be stored during this process, and no longer then needed to provide the best possible outcome in the protected environment of My e-mail, website, and online services of the hosting provider (Nazwa.pl). Currently you can set the order via e-mail or contact Me trough social media channels listed on the tab below.
Payments and payments processing:
Payment process during and directly connected to the orders is regulated by both sides (Maciej „PINGWIN” Klimczak, and for example: customer, company etc.) with previously written down set of rules on the final signed by both of them contract. The form of the payment is regulated and process by these rules, and in a way on which they agreed following the final document, annex (read as: contract) signed by both of them.
How your data is protected:
Me (Maciej „PINGWIN” Klimczak), and the hosting provider (www.Nazwa.pl) of the servers, certain online services within the website, email, communication forms, links etc. make sure to establish the best possible solutions and protection tools to cover safely all of the processed data and take care of it guaranteed privacy, by software, hardware, and the regulated established protection legal power, law.